NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. No one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code GAPINRES.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!
Resonance Field & Its Gap: Dissonance
Can you remember a time when a perfectly wonderful conversation or initimacy space was suddenly subsumed by a shadow and sank into a swamp of low drama out of which you could not escape? We could call that a Bardo Space. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to fortify your 5 bodies and make you more immune to getting sucked into a Bardo Space? Or, even if you are in a Bardo Space, to have a way to get out of it? Well, cheer up! Now you have it! The Bardo Special.